Everyone needs it. Everyone wants it. Everyone deserves it. A couple of years ago a little five-year-old kid stood up right in the middle of my show. He shot right up as if he’d been stung by a bee. Everyone else was seated on the gym floor, but there he […]
THE GORILLA ON MY BOOKSHELF by Steve Trash® I don’t remember ever seeing it, yet it’s in plain sight. It’s literally on the first page of one of my FAVORITE MAGIC BOOKS of all time – Volume #3 of THE TARBELL COURSE IN MAGIC by Harlan Tarbell. It’s right there, […]
THANK YOU MRS. GRAHAM by Steve Trash® I was 17 years old, had big plans, and I knew it all. In fact, everyone but me was stupid. My plan was brilliantly simple: I’d drop out of high school, move to Los Angeles, and be famous. To my way of thinking, […]
THE LITTLE RED BALL TRICK by Steve Trash® It was gone. It was completely gone. That little red plastic “magic trick” ball had been there moments before….. now it was gone. Totally gone. I hadn’t done anything. It wasn’t a trick. That little ball had REALLY disappeared. It just disappeared. […]
WHY MAGIC TRICKS MATTER TO OUR KIDS… by Steve Trash® It’s official. We live in a “Hey Siri” and “Alexa” world of instant downloads, GPS, fast food, selfies and “on-demand” everything. The world is moving at a speed no-one can catch up with and all the while we seem to […]
WELCOME by Steve Trash® I’m Steve Trash, and I’m super glad you’re here. I’ve spent my entire 40-year career as an entertainer, creating magic tricks with eco-themes. I’ve kept that career action-packed, finding multiple ways to further my vision of helping save the planet: I make music on recycled instruments […]