Apple Pie – a family story by Rockin’ Eco Hero – Steve Trash I have several apple trees in my front yard. Technically speaking, they’re not apple trees at all, they are pear trees. They produce pears, not apples, but trust me, they are apple trees. I planted them. I […]
Everyone needs it. Everyone wants it. Everyone deserves it. A couple of years ago a little five-year-old kid stood up right in the middle of my show. He shot right up as if he’d been stung by a bee. Everyone else was seated on the gym floor, but there he […]
THANK YOU MRS. GRAHAM by Steve Trash® I was 17 years old, had big plans, and I knew it all. In fact, everyone but me was stupid. My plan was brilliantly simple: I’d drop out of high school, move to Los Angeles, and be famous. To my way of thinking, […]
THE LITTLE RED BALL TRICK by Steve Trash® It was gone. It was completely gone. That little red plastic “magic trick” ball had been there moments before….. now it was gone. Totally gone. I hadn’t done anything. It wasn’t a trick. That little ball had REALLY disappeared. It just disappeared. […]
WHY MAGIC TRICKS MATTER TO OUR KIDS… by Steve Trash® It’s official. We live in a “Hey Siri” and “Alexa” world of instant downloads, GPS, fast food, selfies and “on-demand” everything. The world is moving at a speed no-one can catch up with and all the while we seem to […]
This PSA (public service announcement) for kids began airing on Alabama Public Television in August. Please consider sharing this message personally with your children, grandchildren, or frankly, any child you love and care about. Kids need to… KNOW… that there are many smart people out there working to keep them […]
THANK YOU COIN LAUNDRY – THE GRATITUDE EFFECT by Steve Trash® Even during the “worst of times”, you and I must find something to be thankful for. We must do this because it’s important. My best days are always filled with gratitude. My worst days are always filled with ingratitude.Times […]
WELCOME by Steve Trash® I’m Steve Trash, and I’m super glad you’re here. I’ve spent my entire 40-year career as an entertainer, creating magic tricks with eco-themes. I’ve kept that career action-packed, finding multiple ways to further my vision of helping save the planet: I make music on recycled instruments […]